Moving forward after a divorce doesn’t feel complete for some spouses until after they’ve taken back their former name. This can be an important emotional step forward toward regaining independence and also an important legal step. Many divorcing spouses worry about the name-change process after a Colorado divorce—a process already filled with legal hurdles and seemingly endless paperwork.
How does the after-divorce name change process work in Colorado?
The easiest way to change your name back to your maiden name, or previous name, is to include it as part of the divorce process. When filing a petition for dissolution of marriage (divorce) or filing your response to your spouse’s divorce petition, a line is included for spouses to request the restoration of their former name. There is no option to choose a new name as a petitioner or respondent, only to restore a previous name. It’s important to include your full legal name exactly as you wish it after the divorce.
Once the divorce is finalized you can sign the divorce decree in your new name. This helps to complete the name change process on your ID, driver’s license, social security card, and bank accounts. For more information or legal counsel on this process, call our Denver family law firm at Ciancio Cianco Brown, P.C. for assistance.
It isn’t too late if your divorce has already been finalized and you didn’t include provisions for restoring your former name. Go to your county clerk’s office to request form JDF 1825 or request it online. This is a Verified Motion and Affidavit for Name Restoration.
Fill out the form and file it at the courthouse where your divorce finalization occurred. If you file for a name change within 60 days of the finalization of your divorce, the court does not charge an additional fee. If more than 60 days have passed since the divorce, you’ll have to file a standard name-change form with the court and pay the fees. Colorado has no statute of limitations on restoring a former name. You may request a name change at any time.
Once you’ve signed your divorce papers, your copy of the divorce decree allows you to submit a request for a new driver’s license at the DMV. In addition, you must request a new social security card in your new (former) name. You can do this at the courthouse where you finalized your divorce or through an online form with the Social Security Administration. Then, don’t forget to update the following documents and accounts with your name change:
Once you have your finalized divorce decree and a new driver’s license, you can use them as proof of your restored former name on important accounts and documents.
If you’re ready to file for divorce or you’ve received a divorce petition from your spouse and must file as the respondent, it’s critical to hire an experienced divorce lawyer in Denver to help navigate all aspects of the legal process, including restoring your former name. Call the divorce attorneys at Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C. for skilled legal counsel throughout every step of the divorce process.