We believe it’s forever when we walk down the aisle, but circumstances, goals, and personalities sometimes change over time and send spouses down different paths. If you’ve decided divorce is inevitable in your marital situation and you’re ready to file for divorce in Lakewood, or you’ve been served with divorce papers by your spouse, it’s essential to hire an experienced Lakewood divorce lawyer and have trusted legal counsel on your side throughout the process. Call Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C., the divorce lawyers in Lakewood with decades of experience in Colorado divorce law.
Our attorneys have decades of experience representing clients through the Colorado divorce process with a record of satisfied clients beginning their new lives. We provide significant advantages including the following:
We’re ready to defend your rights and protect your best interests throughout every step of a Colorado divorce from the initial petition to the final decree.
Family courts in Colorado provide ample opportunities for divorcing spouses to come to terms outside of court through a settlement agreement. This saves time, money, and adversarial feelings. However, at Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C., we understand that compromise isn’t always an option, especially when it comes to your family. There are two pathways forward for a divorce in Lakewood.
In an uncontested divorce, both spouses reach agreements on all aspects of their divorce, including child custody (parenting time), child support under the state’s guidelines, the division of their marital assets, and spousal support when appropriate. Either with the help of professional mediation, through a series of negotiations with their attorneys, or in a collaborative divorce in which both spouses agree to continue negotiating until they reach a settlement, an uncontested divorce doesn’t require a trial.
Instead, your divorce attorney in Denver from Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C. will assertively advocate for your position throughout negotiations, execute all paperwork with meticulous attention to detail, and present your settlement agreement to the judge to sign without the need for a court battle.
There are some things worth fighting for and the attorneys from Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C., understand that compromise isn’t always possible or advisable. Our attorneys have decades of experience navigating divorce litigation in Colorado court with a history of satisfied clients. We’re ready to aggressively defend your rights and present a compelling case to the court to achieve your goals.
Colorado courts require divorcing spouses to divide their assets in a way that’s fair and equitable if not exactly 50/50. Each spouse retains individual assets that were theirs prior to the marriage or that they inherited or received as gifts during the marriage. All assets and real estate property accumulated during the marriage must be fairly divided between divorcing spouses in a way that both spouses agree to in a settlement or that a judge decides in court. Your attorney from Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C. will advocate for your best interests throughout the process of full financial disclosure and division of marital assets.
You know when the time has come to act and take the critical steps you need to move forward. Contact the Lakewood divorce lawyer at Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C. today to begin protecting your rights and paving the way to a new path.