Rebuilding after a fatal drunk-driving crash through legal action

Rebuilding after a fatal drunk-driving crash through legal action

The irresponsible decision to get behind the wheel after drinking can irrevocably change the course of your life and the structure of your family. Losing a loved one to a tragic, preventable accident can leave you struggling with grief and depression. Beyond the social and emotional consequences, there will also be practical concerns your family will have to address. How will you recover from losing out on their wages? Can your family even cover the cost of the funeral right…

Are you prepared to avoid these common divorce mistakes?

You think you’re prepared for the divorce process, but you have some concerns deep down inside. Not only are you staffed with making a variety of key decisions, but you must do so while protecting your legal rights. Adding to this is the fact that you must avoid mistakes that could cost you time and/or money, while adding stress to the situation. While that’s a lot to take in, proper preparation can go a long way in putting you in…

Can you resolve a child custody case in mediation?

There is nothing more important in your divorce than working through matters of child custody. The right agreement can make all the difference for you, your ex and the manner in which you raise your children. Even if you and your imminent ex-spouse are at odds, you can still resolve your child custody concerns in mediation. Here are some of the many benefits of doing so: Less stress and tension: Unlike traditional litigation, mediation is a non-adversarial approach, which reduces the…

Red flags that indicate a marriage may end in divorce

The decision to get a divorce can be overwhelming for many Colorado couples. The process might be easier for many if there was one sure sign that divorce was the best option. Usually, there are many factors at play. Here are a few red flags indicating that a marriage could be heading for divorce. When one or both of the spouses find themselves wanting to stay out of the home, perhaps staying late at the office or spending a lot…

Your drug possession defense strategy can prevent a conviction

A drug possession conviction can impact your life in many ways. From community service to prison time, there’s no shortage of potential penalties. If you find yourself heading to court to defend yourself against drug possession charges, it’s critical to implement a defense strategy to help prevent a conviction. Here are several of the most common: Unlawful search and seizure: The Fourth Amendment can do many things, including protecting you against unlawful search and seizure. Drugs found in plain view can…