Red flags that indicate a marriage may end in divorce

Red flags that indicate a marriage may end in divorce

The decision to get a divorce can be overwhelming for many Colorado couples. The process might be easier for many if there was one sure sign that divorce was the best option. Usually, there are many factors at play. Here are a few red flags indicating that a marriage could be heading for divorce. When one or both of the spouses find themselves wanting to stay out of the home, perhaps staying late at the office or spending a lot…

Your drug possession defense strategy can prevent a conviction

A drug possession conviction can impact your life in many ways. From community service to prison time, there’s no shortage of potential penalties. If you find yourself heading to court to defend yourself against drug possession charges, it’s critical to implement a defense strategy to help prevent a conviction. Here are several of the most common: Unlawful search and seizure: The Fourth Amendment can do many things, including protecting you against unlawful search and seizure. Drugs found in plain view can…

Utilizing negative input to strengthen business strategies

Businesses are often the recipients of a consistent flow of feedback that comes from customers, investors, competitors and even management within their own company. Analyzing this feedback and understanding its intent is critical for businesses to be able to improve and strengthen their image. For Colorado businesses who receive negative feedback, their ability to see the value in criticism may help them to discover areas where improvements can be made to better their strategy and ability to provide what their…

What happens to your car in divorce?

Questions of “who gets what” during the divorce process are extremely common. While you’re fighting tooth and nail to get everything you’re entitled to, your soon-to-be ex-spouse is taking the same approach. This can result in disagreements, negotiations and compromise along the way. It’s important to know what happens to your car in divorce, as this will allow you to plan accordingly. For example, you may rely on your vehicle to get to and from work, so if you don’t…

Banning texting while driving decreases ER visits

Texting while driving is a serious issue in Colorado. Even with bans in place, many people may try to risk it by sneaking a quick peek at the phone and trying to type up a quick message on the highway. In 2014, Business Insider reported on a survey that found 98% of drivers with cellphones were aware that texting while driving was dangerous. Yet, three-quarters of them continued to engage in this behavior anyway. Drivers gave the following reasons for…