Colorado residents who are considering divorce should begin financially planning as soon as they consider the split. Planning financially ensures preparation for a healthy financial life post-divorce and might help residents ensure they get a fair settlement. The first step toward financial planning is understanding assets and liabilities. To do this, the person should make a list with all their accounts and assets, including pay stubs, savings and investments accounts, loans, bank statements and credit card statements. They should also…
When you decide to divorce, you know it will impact you, your ex and your children in a variety of ways. But rather than give in to this and hope for the best, you can create a parenting agreement that affords both parents the opportunity to have a clear understanding of their role, responsibilities and legal rights moving forward. Creating a parenting agreement in mediation gives you more control over the process, as there is no family law judge making…
Your wedding day is closing in and you’ve yet to discuss the potential of creating a prenuptial agreement. It’s your hope to talk this out with your partner, but you have concerns about bringing your thoughts and feelings to light. It’s natural to have these concerns, among many others, as asking for a prenuptial agreement is a big deal. Not only will it affect your partnership now and marriage in the future, but it could give the other individual reason…
Sharing custody or visitation rights with your child’s other parent is almost always a difficult experience, even when everyone involved attempts to remain respectful of each other’s needs and rights. The realities of sharing parenting time can flare tempers or bring out behavior that is simply not acceptable, especially when it comes to each parent’s right to time with their child. If you notice that the other parent does not respect your rights to time with your child, or acts…
There are people who drink and drive because it’s what they want to do. There are also people who do this because of what’s happening around them. Regardless of your age, peer pressure can make it difficult to say “no” to a drink, which can increase the risk of breaking the law. Peer pressure is a particularly big problem among the younger generation, such as those who are in high school and college. These individuals are more willing to do…