Have a plan for dealing with your emotions in divorce

Have a plan for dealing with your emotions in divorce

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your divorce, you can expect to experience a variety of emotions. Some are easier to deal with than others, but they’ll continually move to the forefront throughout the process and even after your divorce is in the past. It’s critical to have a plan for dealing with your emotions in divorce, as this will help you shoot down anything that comes your way. Here are a few things you can try. Take time for yourself: Just…

Preparing for the financial ramifications of divorce

Divorcing couples in Colorado and around the country are often unprepared for the financial consequences of ending a marriage according to a study published on Jan. 14 by Fidelity Investments. After surveying 1,107 divorced Americans between the ages of 25 and 75, the Boston-based financial services company discovered that it takes about five years on average to recover financially from a split. However, getting back on track can take much longer when spouses are not involved in day-to-day financial decision…

Red light cameras in decline despite safety benefits

In Colorado and across the country, fewer municipalities are implementing red light camera systems. The camera systems are mounted at traffic lights to catch drivers who run red lights. They may be later stopped by police or receive a traffic ticket in the mail with a citation for running through the red light. While the cameras have the potential to cut down on traffic accidents caused by dangerous drivers speeding through red lights, many drivers view them as a greedy,…

How to deal with your divorce at work

You know that your divorce will affect your personal and financial lives. However, you don’t want it to creep into your career, as this can make it more difficult to do your job and maintain a high level of professionalism. The way you deal with your divorce at work depends on the factors surrounding your situation, as well as the type of relationship you have with your supervisor, co-workers and company as a whole. Here are some tips that can…

A valuable resource for family law affairs

Colorado parents who are getting ready to negotiate custody and support after a divorce might want to hold on to their old calendars. These can help them to remember dates, times, events and other things that might be important during negotiations. After all, these seemingly small details are often overlooked during this stressful time. An old calendar can become a valuable resource if it lists the dates and times for children’s extracurricular and sports activities, any overnight trips and hotel…