Going through a gray divorce? Here’s what you should know

Going through a gray divorce? Here’s what you should know

If you’ve reached your 50s or 60s and decided that you want to get a divorce, your divorce is what’s called a gray divorce. A gray divorce, named for the general hair color of people who are older, is one that involves people over the age of 50. In this age group, divorce has a different connotation than for people who are younger. A couple might have children, but they’re likely grown and out of the house. They may have…

Truckers with sleep apnea pose a safety risk on the road

As much as 35% of truckers in Colorado and the rest of the U.S. suffer from a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Apnea means “without breath,” and sleep apnea results in the individual having his or her upper airway blocked during sleep for 5 to 10 seconds at a time. In obstructive sleep apnea, the most common among truckers, the mouth palate and throat muscles relax and collapse to block the airway. OSA prevents truckers from getting either deep…

Things to expect during divorce mediation

Through divorce mediation, you maintain a high level of control over the entire process. While there’s a mediator to help move the conversation forward, it’s you and your soon-to-be ex who are doing the negotiating and compromising. Knowing what to expect during divorce mediation will help you prepare for everything, while also ensuring that you address any key questions before you get in too deep. The process begins with an initial meeting between you, your spouse and the mediator. If…

Effectively Navigating the Allocation of Parental Responsibilities: Parenting Time and Decision-Making Authority in Colorado

Colorado Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (child custody, visitation and decision-making authority) are frequently complicated and can lead to disputes. Regardless of the relationship between the parents, issues can arise. Resolving these disagreements often hinge on formulating strategies for effective co-parenting. Understanding how to craft a mutually beneficial co-parenting plan requires certain steps. Since scheduling is sometimes problematic, both parents should be flexible with visitation, custody exchanges and other aspects of co-parenting. Even though the court might provide the parents with…

Defensive driving around drunk drivers

Regardless of location, time of day or the drivers with whom you have to share the road, defensive driving is always wise. It is one way to mitigate some of the risk of driving, as it allows you to react as soon as humanly possible to potential threats. You have to stay alert, look for potential threats, and attempt to avoid them even before an accident becomes imminent. One of the greatest threats that drivers face is their proximity to…