Life insurance is important to consider during divorce process

Life insurance is important to consider during divorce process

Going through the marital break-up process can present financial challenges just as it can pose emotional challenges. One financial matter that divorcing individuals in Colorado often forget to address is how to handle life insurance. Here is a look at how an attorney can help with tackling life insurance policies during the divorce process. For starters, an attorney may ask divorcing parties what their intentions were when they initially purchased their existing life insurance policies. The attorney can then help them…

DUI laws matter: Here’s how Colorado ranks

It’s always interesting to hear how your state ranks in laws for drivers. In this case, there is a lot of information about how Colorado ranks in terms of having the strictest DUI laws in the U.S. It may not be surprising to you, but the state does not have strict DUI laws compared to some other places. Colorado ranks 42nd, placing it at the light end of penalties for those who commit DUI offenses. In Colorado, the statistics show…

Is data access a liability to your business?

More and more people are shopping online and handling many aspects of their business online. That makes for a lot of customer data floating around out there in cyberspace. It also causes a lot of bad actors to use phishing scams and other devious tricks to breach the systems and steal the data for nefarious purposes. Many major corporations have had to manage massive customer data breaches in recent years. Reputable brands like Marriott and Macy’s have all had to…

Will your divorce cost you your company?

If you are a female entrepreneur who owns her own business, you probably have successfully passed many hurdles to your success. But one particular obstacle may have you worried about the viability of your business — divorce. No one should feel forced to remain in a bad marriage in order to preserve their business ownership. Yet, your business could indeed be at risk for division in a property settlement. What can you do? Read on for some concrete suggestions to…

Using parallel parenting for custody and parenting time plans

When Colorado couples started their families, they probably felt as though their marriages would last forever. Unfortunately, at some point, the marital relationship soured, and one or both spouses decided that divorce would be the best course of action. Even if at least some of those couples want to co-parent, their relationship may not allow them to do so, in which case they may want to consider parallel parenting for their custody and parenting time plans. For those unfamiliar with parallel…