Can I Modify my Maintenance?

Can I Modify my Maintenance?

Once Maintenance (also referred to as alimony or spousal support) is made an Order of the Court, it is only reviewable or modifiable in limited circumstances.  First, make sure the maintenance was not “contractual maintenance,” which cannot be modified by the Court.  Also look to terms of maintenance to see the duration and when it terminates, which may be upon a final payment date or an event like remarriage, civil union, or cohabitation of the receiving party.  And otherwise, you…

What to do with the family home in a Colorado divorce

The home is often the center of family life. It is often where holidays are celebrated, the kids learn to ride their bikes and memories are made. It also represents a significant financial investment for a Colorado couple. As a result, when couples decide to divorce, what to do about the home often becomes a complicated issue. In some instances, one of the individuals may decide that he or she wants to keep the home. This is often prompted by…

Eight Ciancio Ciancio Brown Attorneys Honored

Denver, CO (March 23, 2020) – Eight Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C. (CCB) attorneys were recognized by their peers for their professional achievement. Four CCB attorneys have been honored as 2020 Super Lawyers and an additional four as 2020 Rising Stars. Cynthia L. Ciancio (Founding Partner) marks her 10th year as a Super Lawyer for Family Law and was again honored as a Colorado’s Top 50 Women. Loren Brown (Founding Partner and Managing Shareholder) was also honored as a Super Lawyer and,…

Divorcing with a child: How early is too early?

You’ve always been close with your spouse, so when you found out that they had been sleeping with someone else, you were furious. It was like your friendship and marriage were shattered at the same time. That break in trust eventually led to where you are today, considering a divorce. You want to leave and start fresh, because you don’t think you can get over what happened and trust your spouse again. It’s not just you in this relationship, though….

Understand how business income might impact divorce

A stay-at-home spouse counts on their spouse to pay the bills and provide the income. This sometimes comes in the form of a family-run business, but it isn’t usually an issue as long as the marriage is a happy one. There might be a problem if the spouse who runs the company decides that it’s time to divorce. Sometimes, business owners who opt to split from their spouse will try to make it appear as though the company isn’t as…