You’re getting divorced from your child’s other parent — or maybe the two of you were never married. Either way, the relationship is over. While you agree that your ex should remain involved in your child’s life, you don’t intend to seek child support. After all, you earn a good living and can support your child. Why haggle over child support when you are trying to cut ties with your ex? Your child deserves the support of both parents Even…
Pet owners know that their four-legged friends are so much more than just animals — they are members of the family. Unfortunately, Colorado law does not see it that way. Pets are treated as just another piece of property when it comes to legal matters. This can spell trouble for pet parents who are going through a divorce, as they may be faced with the possibility of losing contact with their beloved animal altogether. Since state law does regard pets…
A stay-at-home spouse often has complete dependence upon their partner for financial support. When the source of income is a family business, both spouses may play roles in the company, but only one might have a working knowledge of what’s going on with the finances. This can work well as long as the marriage is on a good foundation, but it can pose a problem if things shift and the marriage becomes rocky. In some cases, the downfall of the…
The decision to file for a divorce is likely to be an emotional one rather than a financial one. Therefore, even if you are not sure that you can afford to go through a divorce or if you are uncertain about how it will affect you financially, you may decide to file anyway. Alternatively, you may have decided to file for a divorce before losing your job and entering a tough financial situation. If you are currently in the midst…
You were driving home when you saw an unusual flicker in the corner of your eye. By the time you looked over to see what it was, the headlights of the vehicle were colliding with your passenger-side door. You didn’t have time to do anything to prepare for the crash. As you started to wake up on the ride to the hospital, you realized that you were involved in a significant crash. You were in pain and couldn’t breathe well….