There are instances where the causes of a car crash are apparent. Investigators often find that one or more people took or failed to take some sort of action that led to the incident. Unfortunately, car accident causes aren’t always so cut and dried. One recent serious accident here in Colorado is still under investigation after a woman was seriously hurt and another driver suffered significant injuries. According to police, the crash happened on a recent afternoon on local roads. One car…
There are many thousands of people who show up to their jobs in Colorado and complete their work-related tasks. Most of these workers are ethical, trustworthy and hardworking. Some of these people may be surprised that despite their efforts, they are terminated from their positions, making them question whether they were the victim of wrongful termination. Many states, including Colorado, are considered “at will” when it comes to employment. This means that an employee can be fired for any reason….
Drunk driving is a serious problem that puts Colorado residents in danger. This is one cause of crashes that’s preventable, so it’s a tragedy when a wreck that’s caused by someone who’s impaired occurs. There are laws in this state that are meant to reduce the number of drunk drivers on the roadways, yet, some individuals still opt to get behind the wheel after they’ve had a couple of drinks. Around 60 people are arrested daily in this state for…
When two parents choose to divorce, they must create a parenting plan delineating how they each share the benefits and responsibilities of parenthood. Often, these issues are some of the most difficult to resolve during the divorce process, because many parents feel the need to fight for greater control over their child’s life rather than creating a plan that truly focuses on the child’s needs. A strong parenting plan protects the best interests of the child while establishing healthy boundaries…
It’s not uncommon for most drivers to get into a car accident at some point in their lives. However, most people try to do all that they can to avoid causing one. When someone makes a deliberate choice that leads to a crash, such as speeding or texting and driving, that person could face criminal charges. One recent crash here in Colorado resulted in charges for one man after authorities say he caused a serious accident and was intoxicated at the time. The crash…