Drunk Driving Suspected In Colorado Car Accident

Drunk Driving Suspected In Colorado Car Accident

Car accidents can happen for a variety of reasons. Because of this, all drivers in Colorado and across the country must work to prevent causing a car crash, including abstaining from drugs and alcohol before driving. Unfortunately, drunk driving can come with serious consequences, even though it is completely preventable. In fact, a recent crash in which alcohol is believed to have been a factor reportedly sent three people to the hospital with serious injuries. Police were called to the…

How The Family Home Is Divided In A Colorado Divorce

For many couples in Colorado, the family home is their largest asset. Because of this, questions about how this asset will be divided during a divorce is one of their biggest concerns. This is especially true when only one spouse is listed on the mortgage and/or the title. As such, many going through a divorce in which their name is excluded from the mortgage of the family home or excluded from the title want an attorney to help them understand…

Do Radios Cause Serious Distractions Behind The Wheel?

You love music. Unfortunately, in the car, the radio can be distracting, and that means that you could be putting yourself at risk of an accident if you choose to drive while using it. Researchers at Carnegie Melon performed a study to determine if people are capable of multi-tasking while driving. In that study, subjects drove a simulated driving course and then over a similar course while on the phone. Using magnetic resonance imaging, the study was able to show…

A Ruptured Disc: A Painful Injury That May Require Surgery

A ruptured disc is serious, because it can press on the nearby nerves. A slipped, herniated, or ruptured disc can cause severe pain and dysfunction below the point of injury. These types of injuries are often caused by motor vehicle collisions. Spinal discs play an important role in they way your spine functions -. They absorb shock and protect the other spinal structures from damage. Unfortunately, if the disc ruptures, you may be left with chronic pain and need surgery…

Breaking Up (With Your Business Partner) Is Hard To Do

Maybe you entered into a business partnership with your college roommate or shifty brother-in-law. Or perhaps it was a partnership with your spouse, but now your marriage has hit the skids. Either way, it’s become crystal clear that it’s time to cut business ties with this person. So, what’s next? Review your partnership agreement for guidance Ideally, when you drew up the partnership agreement to commence to do business as a single entity, you had a savvy business lawyer insert…