Camping Ban on Public Real Estate Constitutional, Judge Rules

Camping Ban on Public Real Estate Constitutional, Judge Rules

Many cities struggle with the issue of homelessness. Denver is no exception. In an effort to move individuals camping on public real estate to shelters, the Colorado town passed a bylaw banning camping on public property. The law, which has been called into question for its constitutionality, has recently been ruled as constitutional by a Denver District Court judge.  This law has been enforced steadily since being passed, with the exception of a brief period when a county-court judge ruled it unconstitutional….

DUI Suspected in Serious Accident that Killed Pedestrian

The Colorado Springs Police Major Crash Team is investigating the death of a pedestrian on a recent Monday evening. The investigation was launched after a serious accident at a Colorado Springs intersection. The city’s fire department and police were present after responding to an alert about the crash.  A preliminary crash report indicates the accident occurred shortly before 7:30 p.m. It states that the pedestrian was heading south when he or she crossed the street at a crosswalk. While the…

Are there Requirements for Getting a Divorce in Colorado?

If you are in an unhappy marriage, you could be considering your options. Of course, trying to reconcile your relationship might be a priority, but many spouses conclude that they and their partners are fundamentally incompatible. If you have resigned yourself to divorce, starting to think about the process and your desired goals/outcome are the most logical next steps. If you want to get the best possible divorce settlement for yourself, it is important that you take early action to…

What are Common Risks of Forming a Business Partnership?

Forming a business is a big step. For many people, going it alone is too scary of a concept and, therefore, may prompt them to bring in a partner. While going into business with your best friend, peer or significant other may sound like a wonderful idea, the truth is you may not be able to count on that relationship if, and when, times get tough. Risks of Informal Business Partnerships Partnerships are the most common and most simple type…

Labor Day DUI Enforcement Aims to Prevent Serious Accidents

Holidays are known for positive memories and relaxation, but they can also increase the risk of accidents — especially if individuals act irresponsibly. Colorado law enforcement often increases patrols during periods where people may be celebrating, in order to prevent a serious accident or accidents that could be caused by drunk driving. Once again, the Colorado State Patrol, Colorado Department of Transportation and local law enforcement will be increasing their enforcement from Aug. 21 to Sept. 8. From January to July 2019, 28% of…