You deserve compensation if you’re hit by a drunk driver

You deserve compensation if you’re hit by a drunk driver

Drunk driving crashes don’t have to happen, and yet many of them do occur each day. Unfortunately, these crashes often lead to personal injuries, disabilities and death. Victims of serious car crashes caused by drunk drivers deserve the opportunity to seek support for what they’re going through. They should have every right to pursue a financial claim, or personal injury claim, against the driver who harmed them. The driver should be held liable, since it was their actions that led…

How can co-parents work out a schedule for the holidays?

The holiday season is right around the corner, which means that parents who are divorced will have to narrow down what happens with the children. There are several things to think about, so now is the best time to get started. One of the first things that you’ll need to do is to review the parenting plan to determine what schedule needs to be followed for the holiday season. Some parenting plans have alternating schedules, but others might have a…

Are You Putting Off Divorce Because You Feel Ashamed?

Now more than ever, we share our lives online. When in previous decades only close friends had an intimate insight into our lives, we now often feel that we must keep up a picture-perfect image to our hundreds or even thousands of followers on social media. The fact is that you are living in your reality, not your social media feed. It’s important that you take the time to reflect on what you really want in life and what makes…

The Holidays are Around the Corner: Watch for Drunk Drivers

With the start of the winter holiday season right around the corner, there’s a chance that you’ll be out on the roads visiting with friends and family members. One thing that you need to be prepared for is an uptick in the number of the drivers on the road. Unfortunately, some of those individuals will be impaired.  Many people go to holiday gatherings and consume alcoholic beverages. It’s imperative that they either find a suitable way home or remain where…

What To Do When You Lose the Spark in Your Marriage

Relationships are constantly changing and evolving. Likely, when you first met the person who would become your spouse, you felt nerves, excitement and undeniable chemistry. By the time you get married, you and your spouse will feel like an unstoppable force. Unfortunately, relationships continue to change even after marriage, and after several years of being together, many spouses feel that they have simply grown apart and lost their spark. If you are feeling dissatisfied in your relationship, you may be…