Would arbitration or mediation help with your custody issues?

Would arbitration or mediation help with your custody issues?

Some of the most rewarding, challenging and emotionally exhausting decisions you may ever make involve your children. At times, it can seem as though every decision could have lasting effects on their lives. That can be especially true if you and the other parent decide to end your relationship. Even if your relationship with your ex isn’t ideal at this point, heading to court may not be the best option for either of you or your children. It may be…

Different ways divorce can affect your career

The end of marriage can affect a person’s life in many ways, from their ability to see their children to the amount of money they are required to provide their former spouse with. However, it can have an impact on other aspects of life as well, such as various career-related issues. Sometimes, people even blame their partner’s job for the reason divorce became necessary, such as claims that the person was a workaholic. As a result, it is helpful to…

How many pedestrians die in accidents per year?

Pedestrian accidents are a major problem in Colorado and across the entire country. Whether someone is trying to cross the road while walking their dog or decides to get some exercise or walk to work, there are many benefits that come with walking and reasons why people decide to walk. Sadly, some of them are struck by a vehicle and their entire life changes in an instant. Sometimes, these accidents prove fatal and it is important to be aware of…

What to do with your business after a divorce

When you and your spouse started your business together, you may never have imagined that a divorce would be the factor threatening the end of your business. If you are divorcing, your business partnership may also be coming to an end. What are your options regarding your business? Staying in business The first question to consider is whether you want to keep the business going after your marriage ends. If you do, you and your spouse may be able to…

Auto accidents and the weekend

Car accidents can happen at any time, but there are certain days and times of day when an accident might be more likely. For example, there may be occasionally be more drunk drivers on the road on Friday nights, since people do not have to wake up for work the next morning and are celebrating the arrival of the weekend. Our law firm believes it is essential for drivers to be cautious at all times, but it is a good…