What to do with your business after a divorce

What to do with your business after a divorce

When you and your spouse started your business together, you may never have imagined that a divorce would be the factor threatening the end of your business. If you are divorcing, your business partnership may also be coming to an end. What are your options regarding your business? Staying in business The first question to consider is whether you want to keep the business going after your marriage ends. If you do, you and your spouse may be able to…

Auto accidents and the weekend

Car accidents can happen at any time, but there are certain days and times of day when an accident might be more likely. For example, there may be occasionally be more drunk drivers on the road on Friday nights, since people do not have to wake up for work the next morning and are celebrating the arrival of the weekend. Our law firm believes it is essential for drivers to be cautious at all times, but it is a good…

Is your New Year’s resolution to divorce?

The start of a new year always brings a spike in the number of divorce cases across the country. Statistics prove that at least one in every five married couples is considering divorce immediately after the festive season. If your marriage is ending, there are some things you can do to ensure that the divorce doesn’t bring you too much trauma. Taking the right steps up-front can make the entire separation a more peaceful, drama-free, and fair process. Below are some tips…

Looking over some divorce-related myths

If you are thinking about whether the time has come for you to end your marriage, or you and your spouse have already decided that it is not working out, you could have a variety of questions about divorce. Finding answers can help clear up confusion, but our law firm also realizes that some people believe various myths related to the divorce process. In order to have a better understanding of potential outcomes and your rights, it might be helpful…

How many deadly crashes involve large trucks?

Motor vehicle collisions happen in all sorts of ways and the details vary from one accident to the next. Sometimes, a drunk driver causes a crash, but many other factors can lead to a wreck, such as fatigue and ice on the roads. Unfortunately, many happen to involve a large truck or a bus and these collisions are especially devastating in many cases. It can take large truck drivers much longer to slow down, which can greatly increase the odds of…