You and your spouse tried to make your marriage work. The decision to get a divorce wasn’t an easy conclusion to come to. However, you are both in agreement that your futures would be better spent apart. You know that you will have to make many decisions regarding finances, property and your children moving forward. You and your spouse will have to co-parent and continue to work together. Your children are important to both of you and you want to…
It is important to keep in mind that while urban areas with high traffic congestion may see a large number of motor vehicle accidents, accidents that occur in these locations are not necessarily more likely to result in fatalities or serious injuries. Sadly, some areas which do not see nearly as much traffic may have actually had quite a few deadly accidents take place. If you drive in either of the two areas, it is important to be aware of…
The relationship a parent has with their child is priceless. Although time spent texting or on FaceTime ensures communication, there is no substitute for close contact parents have when sharing a home or living near a child. One of the most contentious issues in a divorce is where one parent requests to “relocate” the child. In the end, one parent will be the primary and school parent and the other will be the vacation parent. Many parents involved in a…
“It’s actually safer to be controlled by a self-driving system during the long stretches of highway. That’s where it becomes the most mundane, that’s where you get the most fatigue, which plays into accidents.” – Eric Berdinis, Otto Product Lead Too many people are injured or killed in alcohol-related car accidents every day. While there are many alternatives to drunk driving, people still choose to do so. Not everyone can afford to take an Uber home, so they result to…
Divorce can bring a number of stressors into the lives of those who decide to split up, but these challenges can be mitigated by carefully going over the ins and outs of the situation and knowing which way forward is best. For example, someone who is facing hardships due to losing a job or a health problem may have a hard time paying their spousal support. However, they could be able to have their spousal support order modified, which would…