Safety tips for drivers in the ski season

Safety tips for drivers in the ski season

Colorado is one of if not the best place to ski in the nation. With the holidays over, the coldest and snowiest months of the year have arrived at the Rocky Mountain state. Before you head to the slopes, there are a couple of safety precautions you need to take. Even if you are one of the most skilled skiers in the area, you are still just as vulnerable as anyone when it comes to the winter roads. Several athletes…

Pedestrian accidents while on vacation

Many people realize that driving a vehicle in a new area can be dangerous, especially if a driver is not familiar with the roads in a certain area or they do not have experience with the laws in a particular country. However, it can even be dangerous to walk while you are on vacation, for different reasons. People who are traveling are frequently tired, and they may also lack familiarity with roadways and the way things work in a particular…

The dangers of driving while you are too cold

It is pivotal to be mindful of any factor that could make an accident more likely, even if it does not seem likely. People realize the dangers that come with driving after taking certain types of prescription medication or drinking alcohol, but some people fail to realize that it may be dangerous to drive in other instances. For example, someone who is extremely cold may have a more difficult time behind the wheel and this could be dangerous. In many…

Genetics may play a role in divorce risk

It’s long been known that the children of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced themselves, but researchers have only recently discovered that this tendency may be inherited. For example, in a study from Virginia Commonwealth University and Lund University in Sweden, researchers set out to investigate the genetic factors behind intergenerational divorce. Interestingly, for children who were adopted, their divorce histories tended to resemble those of their biological — rather than adoptive — parents and siblings. The study’s authors concluded that genetic…

Common mistakes people make when warming up their cars

Now that winter is here, many Colorado residents have resorted to using their old tactics to make driving in the cold more bearable. Some let their car warm up for minutes so they can either wait to enter a warm interior or so they can have an easier time scraping off all the snow and ice accumulated on their windshield. However, some of the typical tactics used towards starting a car in the winter can have negative effects on the…