Are you wondering if you’re going to get divorced? Maybe it feels like celebrity divorces show up in the news every day, and you imagine that same end is coming for your marriage. Maybe you are worried that a rough patch in your marriage may lead to something more permanent. Typically, there are specific reasons for divorce. No one undertakes it lightly. In some cases (even in the circumstances below) couples can work out their issues. Sometimes, however, it is…
Every year, many mothers in the US leave the workplace, staying home to raise their families and support their husbands’ career pursuits. Highly-educated women, especially, make considerable sacrifices to put their careers on hold for homemaking and mothering. Much of society backs up women’s choice to become homemakers. More than half as many Americans believe that mothers are better than fathers at caring for new babies. While both men and women recognize the value of caretaking, it’s difficult to put a price tag…
Every year, many mothers in the US leave the workplace, staying home to raise their families and support their husbands’ career pursuits. Highly-educated women, especially, make considerable sacrifices to put their careers on hold for homemaking and mothering. Much of society backs up women’s choice to become homemakers. More than half as many Americans believe that mothers are better than fathers at caring for new babies. While both men and women recognize the value of caretaking, it’s difficult to put a price tag…
When you fall in love with a person it’s natural to imagine a happy and peaceful life together. Unfortunately, the reality for many married couples is quite different. This is especially true when faced with certain deal-breaker issues, which might spell the end of your union. Live About explains some common marriage deal breakers and what they might mean for your relationship. Financial issues are often at the heart of marital strife. Different ideas about spending and saving can throw a marriage into…
Bus and train accidents are not in the news very often. They are more rare than accidents involving passenger cars. But when these kinds of accidents do happen, they can be completely devastating. One of the reasons for that devastation is the lack of standard safety features that are commonly seen in cars and planes. These features include seat belts in both planes and cars, and the smaller windows and latching, overhead storage bins that are found in airplanes. Why…