How truck drivers can manage their fatigue

How truck drivers can manage their fatigue

Truck driver fatigue contributed to 13% of crashes analyzed in the Large Truck Crash Causation Study of 2007. However, there are many steps that drivers in Colorado and elsewhere can take to make sure that they are awake enough to operate their vehicles. For example, it is not a good idea to drive between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. because the human body tends to be naturally tired during these hours. Drivers may also be vulnerable to…

Researchers discover where accidents are most likely to occur

There was a 6.8% increase in traffic accidents throughout the country between 2018 and 2019, many of which occurred in Illinois. According to a survey from Go Safe Labs, there were 22,188 crashes in Houston, which was the most in the country during 2019. Other cities where accidents were most likely to occur were Charlotte, Austin and Los Angeles. However, it is important to note that the accident rates in many of these cities actually declined during that year. In…

Truckers with sleep apnea pose a safety risk on the road

As much as 35% of truckers in Colorado and the rest of the U.S. suffer from a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Apnea means “without breath,” and sleep apnea results in the individual having his or her upper airway blocked during sleep for 5 to 10 seconds at a time. In obstructive sleep apnea, the most common among truckers, the mouth palate and throat muscles relax and collapse to block the airway. OSA prevents truckers from getting either deep…

Red light cameras in decline despite safety benefits

In Colorado and across the country, fewer municipalities are implementing red light camera systems. The camera systems are mounted at traffic lights to catch drivers who run red lights. They may be later stopped by police or receive a traffic ticket in the mail with a citation for running through the red light. While the cameras have the potential to cut down on traffic accidents caused by dangerous drivers speeding through red lights, many drivers view them as a greedy,…

Improved technologies can present a safety risk

Many Colorado drivers are excited about the potential for increased safety presented by many newer vehicle technologies. Systems like adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assist have developed out of the research into autonomous driving. They make it possible for cars to sense distance from those ahead and stay in their lanes. These technologies have significant potential to make the roadways safer, making accidents less likely. However, some road safety advocates warn that such promising technologies may actually increase the risk…