Did you know that car crashes are a leading cause of trauma-related amputations in the United States? Amputations happen for several reasons such as due to being crushed or being badly injured by glass, debris or other objects. Amputations are normally performed when a limb cannot be restored or has been lost. For example, if a person’s forearm is badly crushed in a collision, it may not be possible to stabilize the bone or to safely surgically repair the arm….
If you’re hit by another driver who was under the influence at the time, then they should be held responsible for any injuries that you suffered. It’s important for them to be found at fault, so that you have a better opportunity to claim compensation. That being said, it isn’t necessary for the other party to be convicted of a crime before you make a claim. It’s a smart move to make a claim against the other party as soon…
Car wrecks, especially those that are serious, can lead to severe injuries. One of the injuries that’s possible is damage to the spinal cord. This injury is often associated with paralysis, but there are also other effects that can occur. Every system in the body can suffer harm in a spinal cord injury. The level of the injury determines how much of the body will have impacts from it. Damage to the spinal cord affects the area of the body…
In the broad spectrum of injuries you could suffer in a car crash, a broken bone may be painful. The one silver lining is that a broken bone is less devastating than other possible impacts, such as spinal cord injuries or brain injuries. However, being grateful for the fact that your injuries could have been worse doesn’t mean you have to ignore the very real consequences that fractured or broken bones can have on your life. Broken bones can mean…
A ruptured disc is serious, because it can press on the nearby nerves. A slipped, herniated, or ruptured disc can cause severe pain and dysfunction below the point of injury. These types of injuries are often caused by motor vehicle collisions. Spinal discs play an important role in they way your spine functions -. They absorb shock and protect the other spinal structures from damage. Unfortunately, if the disc ruptures, you may be left with chronic pain and need surgery…