Where do most fatal rollover crashes occur?

Where do most fatal rollover crashes occur?

With rollover accidents, there are a variety of factors to consider. Sometimes, people are able to walk away from these wrecks relatively unscathed, while others sustain a serious injury or pass away. Some rollover crashes are caused by another driver’s negligence, while others only involve one vehicle. Although any type of traffic collision can be deadly, rollover accidents are especially concerning. As a result, it may be beneficial to familiarize yourself with some of the characteristics of these collisions, such…

Auto crashes and fall weather hazards

Motor vehicle collisions can happen at any time of year and for a variety of reasons. From drowsy or distracted driving to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, people find themselves seriously hurt or even killed in traffic crashes that were entirely preventable. With fall weather approaching, it is important to point out some of the weather hazards that may also lead to a crash in Westminster and across all of Colorado. People often recognize the serious risks…

How often does poor weather cause car accidents?

Many people recognize the risks that come with driving while intoxicated, going over the speed limit, falling asleep behind the wheel, and failing to pay attention to the road. However, there are other potential hazards, such as poor weather conditions, which can contribute to an accident. From snow and ice to wind, fog, and rain, it is vital for drivers to be vigilant at all times, especially when the weather deteriorates. According to the Federal Highway Administration, roughly 22 percent…

Are work zone crashes becoming more common?

Each day, many different types of accidents happen on roads and construction sites across the country. However, some workers are hurt in a work zone crash while trying to perform their job duties. Whether Colorado drivers fail to pay attention to the road or ignore speed limits, there are different reasons why these crashes keep happening. However, they can generate many different hardships for victims and their families. Regrettably, an increase in the number of these crashes has been seen…

How many pedestrians are killed in accidents every year?

For pedestrians, being hit by a car can be especially dangerous. Whether someone is simply walking down the sidewalk and a car veers off of the road or a driver fails to notice someone who is using a crosswalk, these accidents happen in various ways. Sadly, some of them prove fatal and far too many people pass away in pedestrian accidents each year. Whether you have a child who walks to school or you walk for any reason, understanding the…