What Does Personal Injury Protection Coverage Cover?

What Does Personal Injury Protection Coverage Cover?

Every state in the U.S. has its own car accident insurance laws. A handful of states have no-fault insurance laws, while others follow either modified or pure comparative negligence laws where it matters who caused an accident. Colorado became a fault-based insurance state in 2003. Before that time, Colorado’s no-fault insurance laws required all drivers to carry a personal injury protection (PIP) policy. Accident victims in no-fault insurance states must file claims against their own PIP policies regardless of which…

Is Lane Splitting Legal In Colorado?

Colorado and California are both motorcycle destination states, not only for their scenic routes but because Colorado now joins California’s lead in legalizing lane splitting for motorcycles. In August of 2024, Colorado’s General Assembly passed a bill legalizing the practice of lane splitting—and lane filtering—allowing motorcyclists to drive in the space between lanes of traffic. Still, the lane-splitting law in Colorado does not offer the same level of freedom to lane-split as California’s law, so it’s important to know when…

Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics In Colorado

We rarely spare a moment’s concern when stepping into a vehicle to go to work, school, or any one of the countless errands and activities for which we drive daily. Yet, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated about 29,135 people did not make it to their destinations in 2024 but instead were fatally injured in traffic accidents. This includes a significant percentage of traffic fatalities in Colorado. Colorado’s Early 2024 Car Accident Numbers With challenging mountain roads, busy…

How to Fight a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The sudden death of a loved one always feels wrong, especially when the death is caused by someone else’s wrongful actions or negligence. In these cases, close surviving family members may file a wrongful death lawsuit against the at-fault party to recover compensation for the economic losses caused by the death plus compensation for grief and anguish. While sometimes these lawsuits are justified, it’s not uncommon for grief-stricken family members facing financial hardship to look for someone to blame. For…

NASCAR Deaths [Updated For 2025]

A day at a NASCAR event can be a wonderful experience. With the exhilarating races and the energy in the crowd, it can be a great place for the whole family.  However, on rare occasions, a NASCAR event can turn deadly when an unexpected event or vehicle accident occurs, resulting in the death of a driver or a spectator. This study analyzes every driver and spectator death that has ever happened at a NASCAR event.  Our team at Ciancio Ciancio…