Two of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents have a lot more in common than it might seem at first. Impaired driving, also called drunk driving, has been an acknowledged scourge of safe roads for decades. Distracted driving has also been a consistent issue, but thanks to the rise of social media and mobile phones, it is now more prevalent and obvious than ever before. On the surface, both distracted driving and drunk driving may seem irresponsible but very…
Couples in Colorado who are going through rough times may think the only option is divorce. Experts identify a number of signs that indicate a divorce may be down the road, but if couples recognize the signs and take certain steps, they can reverse the direction their relationship is going and hopefully prevent a split up. According to Prevention, one sign of relationship trouble is that couples start to spend less time with each other and become less intimate. If…
The divorce process can be tough for many different reasons, from legal matters which involve kids (custody disputes, child support, etc.) to the potential career impact of ending a marriage. For some people, divorce can be an especially difficult process, especially when one’s former partner is very bitter and wants to shatter the life of their ex. For example, someone may falsely accuse their former spouse of domestic violence, and there are numerous reasons why this occurs. Sometimes, people want…
When you choose to have children with your spouse, you probably don’t think about what will happen if you eventually end your marriage. Most couples conceive their children when they still foresee spending the rest of their life with their spouse. Unfortunately, circumstances and people can change, leaving you worried about how divorce is going to affect your relationship with your children. The good news for people in Colorado considering divorce is that the state typically wants to protect the…
For too many people, co-parenting tends to be fraught with frustration and communication breakdowns. For those who are annoyed the other parent isn’t responding to your texts or calls, that lack of cooperation probably highlights the reason you are not together. Stuff like that can also be a huge emotional trigger. But at the end of the day, both of you want to be excellent parents who follow through. Whether that means knowing a child’s activity schedule or being on…