How to deal with your divorce at work

How to deal with your divorce at work

You know that your divorce will affect your personal and financial lives. However, you don’t want it to creep into your career, as this can make it more difficult to do your job and maintain a high level of professionalism. The way you deal with your divorce at work depends on the factors surrounding your situation, as well as the type of relationship you have with your supervisor, co-workers and company as a whole. Here are some tips that can…

A valuable resource for family law affairs

Colorado parents who are getting ready to negotiate custody and support after a divorce might want to hold on to their old calendars. These can help them to remember dates, times, events and other things that might be important during negotiations. After all, these seemingly small details are often overlooked during this stressful time. An old calendar can become a valuable resource if it lists the dates and times for children’s extracurricular and sports activities, any overnight trips and hotel…

Why do people drive drunk?

Despite the dangers and potential trouble with the law, many people throughout the country make the mistake of drinking and driving. They assume that they’re “sober enough” to safely reach their destination, so they get behind the wheel and take to the road. While drunk driving doesn’t always result in an accident, it definitely increases the risk of trouble. Here are some of the primary reasons why people continue to drive drink: They don’t think it’s a big deal: In other…

Divorces are often more common in January

As the holidays end and the new year dawns in Colorado, more couples may mark the occasion by filing for divorce. January is one of the most common months of the year for people to end their marriages, for a number of reasons. Parents with young children may wait until after the holidays are over to file, while other people want to make a new start along with the change of the year. The word “divorce” is even searched more…

Why should spouses handle business finances together?

Business owners can often control the income range of the business. Aggressive marketing can pull in more money, while a pause in marketing could keep the revenue consistent. For most married couples who own a business, making sure that it is successful is a priority. But, this could change when one party decides that the marriage is over. When a divorce impacts the family business, there are many factors to think about that can affect the legal settlement, as well…