Two of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents have a lot more in common than it might seem at first. Impaired driving, also called drunk driving, has been an acknowledged scourge of safe roads for decades. Distracted driving has also been a consistent issue, but thanks to the rise of social media and mobile phones, it is now more prevalent and obvious than ever before. On the surface, both distracted driving and drunk driving may seem irresponsible but very…
According to a recent report in The Denver Post, an uptick of marijuana involved auto fatalities have caused concern for many state officials in Colorado. In 2016, Colorado had 77 motorists died while under the influence of cannabis and its primary intoxicating substance (THC 9). And that was a dramatic increase over previous years. Fact finding mission To combat this public safety problem, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has been conducting the Cannabis Conversation program. State officials have been…
April 20 has been a controversial holiday for the last couple of decades. Typically, those who celebrate cannabis culture mark the occasion by smoking marijuana around 4:20 p.m. Others use the occasion to get high for the majority of the day. As one of the first states to legalize pot for recreational use, Colorado becomes an especially popular destination around this time of year. Unfortunately, some take their celebrations too far. A study from 2018 reveals that the risk of…
Privacy advocates are raising concerns about Volvo’s interior cameras, but the car-maker that stakes its reputation on safety places a higher value of curbing crash-related injury and fatalities. The Swedish multinational automobile manufacturing company recently announced that models rolling out as early as 2020 will be equipped with in-vehicle cameras that monitor the driver’s behavior. Things such as eye movement, distracted driving, drowsiness, intoxication, and texting while driving will be sharply observed. Drivers who are behaving in an unsafe manner…
Before anyone gets behind the wheel of an automobile, they must be in a suitable condition to drive or risk putting themselves and others at risk. Although exceeding the legal limit of .08 BAC and texting are common causes of reckless driving, medical conditions may also disqualify someone from taking the wheel. If you have been injured by someone who falls into one of the following categories, that driver may have recklessly caused the car accident. Sleep apnea The National…