What should stay-at-home moms get in a divorce?

What should stay-at-home moms get in a divorce?

Every year, many mothers in the US leave the workplace, staying home to raise their families and support their husbands’ career pursuits.  Highly-educated women, especially, make considerable sacrifices to put their careers on hold for homemaking and mothering. Much of society backs up women’s choice to become homemakers.  More than half as many Americans believe that mothers are better than fathers at caring for new babies.  While both men and women recognize the value of caretaking, it’s difficult to put a price tag…

Why establishing paternity is important

There are benefits to multiple parties when you determine and acknowledge the father legally in Colorado. Establishing paternity is important for financial, emotional, psychological, medical and legal reasons. The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse discusses that paternity allows the father to take part in his child’s life, even if he is not currently with the mother. As a legal father, he can request visitation or custody, and ask to help make important life decisions about the child. One of the benefits…

A parenting plan can make or break your holiday season

Divorce can mean clearing one hurdle after another, and the first holiday season after a split can be a major hurdle for separated parents. New schedule adjustments and holiday stress can make the season feel overwhelming. A thought-out parenting plan can take some of the pressure off both parents during the holidays, and help everyone adjust to the new normal. Some things to include: Coordinating schedules Determine where kids are going to be, and for how long. Discuss any potential trips…

Paying child support after losing a job

Many different challenges may arise for non-custodial parents, from those involving child custody and visitation to problems with a former partner. However, child support issues can be especially complex and they may affect parents in different ways. For example, some parents may be unable to pay child support as a result of financial hardships, while others may purposely withhold payments because they are upset. Sometimes, non-custodial parents simply cannot pay what they owe because of a major change in their…

Understanding child relocation laws in Colorado

The relationship a parent has with their child is priceless. Although time spent texting or on FaceTime ensures communication, there is no substitute for close contact parents have when sharing a home or living near a child. One of the most contentious issues in a divorce is where one parent requests to “relocate” the child. In the end, one parent will be the primary and school parent and the other will be the vacation parent. Many parents involved in a…