A head-on crash is one of the worst. In a head-on collision, the two vehicles hit while traveling forward toward one another. This multiplies the force involved in the collision. Even if one vehicle is parked or moving slowly at the time of the crash, the nature of this type of collision means that certain serious injuries are more likely. Head-on crashes can happen for many reasons. Some of the more common times for head-on crashes to happen are when:…
After a motor vehicle collision, it can be hard for you to even think about getting into a vehicle again. You are still upset about what happened, and you want to make sure that the negligent driver doesn’t harm any other people. In addition to the physical injuries, you may also be suffering emotional injuries. Many people injured in motor vehicle collisions also suffer from depression and anxiety in the weeks, months, and years after a crash. Depression and anxiety…
It’s not uncommon for most drivers to get into a car accident at some point in their lives. However, most people try to do all that they can to avoid causing one. When someone makes a deliberate choice that leads to a crash, such as speeding or texting and driving, that person could face criminal charges. One recent crash here in Colorado resulted in charges for one man after authorities say he caused a serious accident and was intoxicated at the time. The crash…
You were driving home when you saw an unusual flicker in the corner of your eye. By the time you looked over to see what it was, the headlights of the vehicle were colliding with your passenger-side door. You didn’t have time to do anything to prepare for the crash. As you started to wake up on the ride to the hospital, you realized that you were involved in a significant crash. You were in pain and couldn’t breathe well….
The first week of daylight saving time is always a time for Colorado residents to be more careful on the road. The reason is that the loss of one hour of sleep makes everyone drowsy, raising the risk for crashes. In fact, a study published in Current Biology has found that there are 6% more fatal car crashes in the U.S. during the first week of DST. An estimated 28 more fatal crashes occur in this week each year, and…