Give up the dangerous habit of running yellow lights

Give up the dangerous habit of running yellow lights

It’s normal, to some degree, to see people trying to “beat” red lights by speeding up to get through an intersection or area where a light has just turned yellow. Unfortunately, this is dangerous. They could hit someone and cause a serious, or potentially fatal, collision. Just how dangerous is running yellow and red lights? In 2016, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that over 800 people were killed after being involved in crashes with people running traffic signals….

Alleged impaired driver causes accident, injures passenger 

An alleged impaired driver in Colorado has been arrested after getting involved in a serious two-car accident. That driver is facing numerous charges for their role in the accident, but reports show that at least one of those charges is for operating their car under the influence. Though two cars were involved in the accident, it seems that the person who was seriously injured was actually a passenger in the car with the impaired driver. Reports do say that they…

The deadly practice of street racing can claim innocent victims

Street racing (also known as drag racing) has been around for a long time. Sadly, despite laws against it, it still occurs on our streets. It can have deadly results – not just for those involved in the race, but for bystanders and people who have the misfortune to also be using the road during a race. That’s what happened earlier this month in downtown Denver. A mother of two was making a food delivery when she was struck by…

Who pays when both drivers are at fault for a crash in Colorado?

Car accidents are often messy and complicated. It’s not always as easy as determining which party is completely at fault and having them compensate the non-responsible party for their medical bills, car repair costs and any other damage suffered. Sometimes both parties had some level of negligence that, taken together, resulted in the crash. Who is responsible for paying damage costs in these cases? What the law says Different states in this country have different laws concerning how courts apportion…

How can you prove that another driver was distracted when you were hit?

It’s a horrible feeling to see someone’s vehicle heading your way and realizing that you’ll be hit. You may not have time to move out of the way, even if you have a few seconds where you can see their vehicle coming. Bracing yourself for the worst is a good idea, but remember to take in as much of the scene as you can, so you can remember why that driver hit you. Many drivers today get distracted and aren’t…