3 medical causes of reckless driving you might not be aware of

3 medical causes of reckless driving you might not be aware of

Before anyone gets behind the wheel of an automobile, they must be in a suitable condition to drive or risk putting themselves and others at risk. Although exceeding the legal limit of .08 BAC and texting are common causes of reckless driving, medical conditions may also disqualify someone from taking the wheel. If you have been injured by someone who falls into one of the following categories, that driver may have recklessly caused the car accident. Sleep apnea The National…

Divorce, strong emotions and car accidents

Motor vehicle wrecks happen for countless reasons, such as icy roads and improper vehicle maintenance. However, there are many other factors that can play a role in the likelihood of a driver causing a collision, and some of these factors are not given as much attention as drunk driving, for example. A driver who has recently been through a divorce or is experiencing emotional distress for some other reason (such as the loss of a loved one) may be more…

Young drivers and phone use behind the wheel

Auto collisions have countless causes, but phones and other electronic devices are responsible for many of the wrecks that take place each day. In some instances, it is legal for drivers in certain states to use phones while they are on the road, such as a hands-free device. However, many states prohibit novice drivers, such as a 16-year-old who recently received his or her license, from all types of phone use while driving. Regrettably, some young drivers ignore these regulations…

Do narcissists make bad drivers?

Narcissists are well-known for their self-centered, manipulative behavior, which can negatively affect their job performance, relationships, and — according to recent research — even their driving habits. Aggressive driving accounts for more than half of traffic accidents in the US. Researchers from Ohio State University and the University of Luxembourg wanted to learn more about the link between narcissism and hazardous driving. Prior studies were limited because they only focused on college students. These researchers looked at a broader population: those…

Improper footwear and car accidents

From the use of an electronic device while driving to drug and alcohol intoxication, negligent drivers exhibit many different dangerous behaviors while they are on the road. However, some may cause an accident due to an unexpected problem. For example, someone’s footwear may get in the way of their ability to drive properly, which could cause an accident in various ways. Sadly, these accidents can be extremely devastating regardless of what causes them, and it is crucial for the victims…