How can your teen become a safe driver?

How can your teen become a safe driver?

The years have been flying by, and before you know it, your Colorado teen is asking you to help her or him learn how to drive. In fact, for many teens a license becomes a necessity because it enables them to get to school or to a job more easily. Whether this is your first child or your sixth, is it a somewhat scary concept to think of your child operating a car on the road. How can you help…

There are many causes of car-truck accidents

When driving your car on the interstate around the Denver area, you’ll typically find yourself surrounded by large commercial trucks. Sharing the road safely with these big rigs is paramount, but that doesn’t guarantee that a trucker won’t make a serious mistake that causes an accident. Here are six of the many causes of car-truck accidents: Drowsy driving. If a trucker is drowsy for any reason, e.g., too many consecutive hours on the road, the risk of falling asleep is…

5 steps to take after a crash in Denver

Crashes are fairly common in Denver, and they can significantly impact the people involved. Whether the injuries are minor or severe, they have to miss time doing the things they planned to deal with hospital visits, filing claims and more. After an accident, the truth is that you may be too stressed or busy to handle your insurance claim. If you have injuries, you’ll likely be focused on your health and recovery. So, what should you do after a crash…

A rear-end collision can cause significant injuries

One of the most dangerous types of crashes you can get into is a rear-end crash. It has the potential to push your vehicle into an intersection, into the vehicle in front of you or to pin your vehicle. One of the main injuries people suffer from a rear-end collision is whiplash. However, whiplash is definitely not the worst potential injury. Others include burns from localized fires, crushing injuries from impact, lacerations and others. What should you do to avoid…

Texting at the wheel is an awful lot like drunk driving

Two of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents have a lot more in common than it might seem at first. Impaired driving, also called drunk driving, has been an acknowledged scourge of safe roads for decades. Distracted driving has also been a consistent issue, but thanks to the rise of social media and mobile phones, it is now more prevalent and obvious than ever before. On the surface, both distracted driving and drunk driving may seem irresponsible but very…