Forming a business is a big step. For many people, going it alone is too scary of a concept and, therefore, may prompt them to bring in a partner. While going into business with your best friend, peer or significant other may sound like a wonderful idea, the truth is you may not be able to count on that relationship if, and when, times get tough. Risks of Informal Business Partnerships Partnerships are the most common and most simple type…
As a business owner, it’s important to always stay on top of legislative or regulatory changes that may affect one’s business. Recently, Colorado introduced a new business law requiring paid time off for all employees in the state. News outlets have been reporting recently on the response business owners have had to the new law. The act signed by the governor stipulates that all Colorado employees be entitled to up to 48 hours of paid sick leave. The amount of…
Your business is important to you, and the fact that people have been leaving negative reviews on your website is infuriating. Half of the people writing reviews are people you’ve never offered services to or seen in your office. While many people think that writing a negative review is their right, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the business has to sit there and accept it. In fact, you may be able to sue for defamation if reviewers publish false or…
With the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana in Colorado, there are new legal concerns that may arise. One of these is how homeowner associations can monitor and control the use and growth of marijuana in their neighborhoods. Individuals on both sides of the issue may be unsure of where the rights of the homeowner end, and the authority of the HOA begins when it comes to the issue of recreational marijuana. Colorado Constitution and Cultivating Marijuana According to…
Maybe you entered into a business partnership with your college roommate or shifty brother-in-law. Or perhaps it was a partnership with your spouse, but now your marriage has hit the skids. Either way, it’s become crystal clear that it’s time to cut business ties with this person. So, what’s next? Review your partnership agreement for guidance Ideally, when you drew up the partnership agreement to commence to do business as a single entity, you had a savvy business lawyer insert…