What to Do After a Car Accident In Westminster

What to Do After a Car Accident In Westminster

Car accidents are terrifying, especially when they end in serious injury to you or a loved one. In some cases, involved motorists are unconscious, incapacitated, or in critical emergency situations, leaving them unable to take any purposeful action while they wait for emergency services to arrive. However, a car accident survivor can often safely use their phone or ask an uninjured companion or bystander to use a cell phone and begin taking steps to help protect themselves and their loved…

Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics In Colorado

We rarely spare a moment’s concern when stepping into a vehicle to go to work, school, or any one of the countless errands and activities for which we drive daily. Yet, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated about 29,135 people did not make it to their destinations in 2024 but instead were fatally injured in traffic accidents. This includes a significant percentage of traffic fatalities in Colorado. Colorado’s Early 2024 Car Accident Numbers With challenging mountain roads, busy…