Emergency Child Custody in Colorado

Emergency Child Custody in Colorado

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Divorce and co-parenting with an ex-spouse is often challenging, but when you believe your children may not be safe with the other parent or are in an unsafe situation when in the custody of your ex-spouse, it’s particularly distressing and requires immediate action. Colorado courts place the best interests of a child as their highest priority in any ruling, including in matters of child custody.

If you believe your children are in immediate danger, call the police to report the circumstances at once. However, if you know that they are safe for the time being but face an unsafe situation while in the other parent’s custody, it’s time to take legal action to ensure their well-being. A divorce attorney in Denver, CO can help you take your case before a judge to change an existing custody order, including issuing an emergency order for child custody.

Emergency Child Custody in Colorado

What Types of Child Custody Does a Court Determine in Colorado Divorces?

Colorado courts make all decisions in the best interests of children. The court divides child custody into two types:

  • Legal custody, or the authority to make important decisions for a child, including decisions for medical care, education, religion, and extra-curricular activities
  • Physical custody: with whom a child resides, typically in a shared custody agreement with equal or nearly equal parenting time, or one parent with primary custody and the other with visitation rights—often every other weekend and one weeknight evening from after school until after dinner

Depending on the circumstances of the case, a judge may give one parent legal custody or both parents may share decision-making authority if they can communicate and compromise effectively.

What Do the Courts Consider In Child Custody Decisions?

Colorado §14-10-124 addresses family court decisions on child custody. Colorado law states the following:

“In determining the best interests of the child for purposes of parenting time, the court shall consider all relevant factors.”

The relevant factors for determining the type of child custody in a Colorado court include:

  • The wishes of each parent
  • The outcome the child prefers if they can reasonably express them
  • The typical daily interactions and the nature of the relationship between the child and each parent
  • Reports of domestic violence, child abuse, child neglect, or chronic addiction
  • A child’s attachment to their home, extended family members, school, and community
  • The physical, mental, and emotional health of each party, including both parents and children
  • The driving distance between the parents’ separate homes
  • Each parent’s openness to encouraging a close continued relationship between the other parent and their child
  • Each parent’s willingness to prioritize the child’s needs and best interests ahead of their needs

A judge’s decisions on child custody are binding and enforceable, but a parent may request a modification of an existing order if they’ve experienced a substantial, long-term change of circumstances. However, requesting a modification takes time, and the court in Colorado won’t consider a modification request unless it’s at least six months after the original decision or the last modification request.

What is Emergency Child Custody?

If you have valid reasons to believe your children face imminent danger when returned to the other parent for court-ordered parenting time or custody, a skilled child custody lawyer can ensure that a court hears your evidence in as little as 24-48 hours. With proper cause, a court can issue an emergency restriction on the other parent’s custody and grant you a temporary emergency custody order to begin immediately after the hearing. This emergency temporary custody order in Colorado typically only refers to physical custody, though in certain circumstances the court may also temporarily restrict the other parent’s legal custody as well. Legal custody refers to decision-making authority over important legal considerations such as medical and educational decisions.

An emergency child custody order typically remains in place until a full hearing takes place with both sides presenting evidence for the judge to make a new custody ruling. Hearings are typically scheduled about 14 days after the court issues an emergency child custody ruling.

What are Valid Reasons To File For Emergency Custody In Colorado?

The Colorado family court takes claims of imminent danger to children very seriously. A parent should never attempt to file for emergency custody under false or frivolous grounds such as because they don’t like their ex-spouse’s new romantic interest because he/she wears leather and has body piercings or because they don’t like a co-parent’s parenting style. Instead, emergency child custody orders are for just that—emergencies. False accusations and groundless motions may result in penalization for the petitioning parent. Viable grounds for a request for emergency child custody include the following:

  • The physical or sexual abuse of a child by the other parent or their new spouse or partner
  • A parent who regularly abuses alcohol or drugs to the point of incapacity or unconsciousness during their parenting time
  • A parent who drinks and drives with the children in the vehicle
  • A parent with serious mental health concerns that pose a danger to the children
  • Previous parental kidnapping or threats of kidnapping
  • Serious neglect of a child’s basic needs
  • Leaving young children unattended for significant amounts of time

A court may consider any of the above situations as grounds for an emergency child custody order.

Denver Divorce Attorney

Filing for Emergency Child Custody in Colorado

To gain a temporary custody order in Colorado, the petitioner must file a motion in the court of their jurisdiction. A matter of this urgency is best handled by a qualified Denver divorce attorney who can help ensure prompt, diligent filing of the motion within the correct jurisdiction and can facilitate a swift hearing. Your attorney will help to gather convincing evidence of your claim including:

  • A child’s medical records
  • Photographs or videos showing abuse or neglect
  • Emails and other communications with educators or daycare centers
  • Communications with doctors or other medical or mental health experts

An experienced lawyer will represent your child’s best interests throughout the procedure for filing for emergency custody in Colorado and then defend your claims in court for a permanent ruling on child custody.

Under Colorado §14-10-129, the law states the following:

“The court shall not restrict a parent’s parenting time rights unless it finds that the parenting time would endanger the child’s physical health or significantly impair the child’s emotional development. In addition to a finding that parenting time would endanger the child’s physical health or significantly impair the child’s emotional development, in any order imposing or continuing a parenting time restriction, the court shall enumerate the specific factual findings supporting the restriction.”

The statute goes on to state that making false or frivolous accusations against another parent is a serious violation that may substantially impact the accuser’s custody.

How Can a Child Custody Lawyer in Colorado Help?

If you feel that your children are in immediate danger, it’s imperative to act quickly. Modification requests for changes in existing custody orders take time and require a wait for a hearing date. An emergency child custody order can remove your children from a dangerous situation quickly and ensure their safety while you wait for the longer process to play out. When your child’s safety is at risk, call the Denver child custody lawyers at Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C.