Car accidents caused by driving while intoxicated are 100% preventable. Unfortunately, some people still choose to operate motor vehicles after consuming alcoholic beverages.
In some situations, intoxicated individuals tend to misjudge their sobriety and believe they are not too drunk to drive. This self-assessment does little to prevent drunk driving crashes. Perhaps smartphone technology is an answer.
How does it work?
According to ongoing research, smartphones can already judge intoxication levels. They do so with accelerometers, which nearly all modern smartphones have. These accelerometers can detect movement patterns (swaying, staggering, etc.) in those who carry them.
Researchers used smartphones to study subjects after they consumed alcohol. Participants were monitored for seven hours and instructed to walk in a straight line and back at regular intervals. The participants also underwent blood alcohol concentration tests every half an hour. According to the study, phone accelerators accurately judged intoxication levels up to 90% of the time.
Is the technology ready for use?
More testing and research are needed before Colorado residents can rely on their phones to detect intoxication accurately. However, it is a promising concept in the effort to reduce drunk driving car accidents. The next phase of testing will involve using phone accelerometers in real-world situations.
Unfortunately, it is too late for smartphone technology to protect those already dealing with injuries caused by a drunk driver. However, you can still hold the responsible party to account by pursuing financial compensation for the injuries you or a loved one has suffered. Learning more about Colorado accident and injury compensation is a good next step.