When you were driving to visit a family member, you never expected that your vehicle would get hit by a large truck. You were in your lane and traveling at a safe speed when the truck pushed into your lane and caused a serious crash. Unfortunately, the damage to your vehicle was severe, and your spouse passed away from their injuries. Now, you want to take steps to make sure you can get compensation for what they’ve been through and…
If you are getting divorced and have a child, the Court will find that each parent owes a duty of support for the child, and you may be the party who is asked to pay support. Determining who pays support comes down to a number of factors, some of which include which parent earns more money and which will take care of the child more often. If you and your spouse can work out a support amount that you think…
Did you know that around 28 people die each day as a result of drunk-driving collisions in America? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that between 2010 and 2019 alone, there were over 10,000 deaths a year because of drunk driving. Around a third of the crashes that happen in the United States are linked to drunk driving, even though people are well aware that drunk driving is hazardous. Between the months of March and September in 2020, around…
Not all car crashes have an obvious cause. If you suffer a blow to the head, it can make things even harder, as you may not remember much at all. Yet there is always a reason for a crash, and discovering it will be crucial to getting the full amount of compensation you deserve. Multiple factors can contribute to a crash Even when there appears to be a clear reason for the crash, it is crucial to investigate further. Let’s…
Sometimes divorce is necessary, yet some people are afraid to go through with it because they have misconceptions that they could suffer more than profit from divorce. But this is not always true. The laws of divorce in Colorado protect the interests of both parties. If you have been thinking about divorce, you must know about the most common misconceptions to make the best decision regarding your split. Contact our Denver, CO divorce attorneys for legal assistance on your case…