Where Is It Most Common to Sustain a Burn Injury In Colorado?

Where Is It Most Common to Sustain a Burn Injury In Colorado?

Burns are among the most painful, debilitating, and disfiguring injuries an individual can suffer. Even relatively minor burns cause severe pain, but serious burn injuries like second, third, and fourth-degree burns can cause permanent physical and emotional trauma, especially if they cover a significant portion of the burn victim’s body or leave substantial scars and disfigurement on their face. The trauma is even more devastating when someone else’s actions cause the burns. Serious burns can occur in car accidents, explosions,…

Are Holidays a Stress Test for Your Marriage?

Key Takeaways: Only 12% of married Americans reported no stress when asked about their typical holiday season experience, while 88% reported an increased level of stress.  Managing family dynamics and obligations was the top holiday stressor reported by married Americans (45%). 59% compare their relationship to others during the holidays, with 22% feeling negatively impacted. 14% of married Americans find themselves questioning the future of their relationship more during the holiday season.  Couples who regularly skip gift exchanges were least…

What Should I Do If I Was Partly At Fault for an Injury?

Suffering a sudden serious injury can catapult an individual’s life in an unexpected direction, causing temporary or even permanent pain, suffering, and debility. Even a relatively minor injury with an anticipated full recovery can cause temporary financial hardship. A more serious injury may result in permanent life-altering adverse effects like disability or impairment. In fault-based insurance states like Colorado, an injury victim can recover compensation for their damages from an at-fault party when someone else’s negligent, reckless, or wrongful actions…

Do Truck Drivers In Colorado Recieve Adequate Training?

Colorado takes roadway safety seriously, including efforts to ensure that commercial truck drivers are adequately trained before taking large, unwieldy trucks on the road. A truck can outweigh a standard passenger car by as much as 76,000 pounds, posing a serious safety hazard to vulnerable motorists. According to the National Safety Council, there were 5,837 fatal truck accidents in a single recent year. Colorado addresses the problem with training requirements for commercial license holders. Training for Commercial Truck Drivers In…

Who Can File A Lawsuit for Wrongful Death In Colorado?

Losing a loved one in a sudden preventable death causes grief and anguish, with life-long repercussions for family members. These impacts are often financial as well as emotional, especially if the loved one was a family provider or the family member who cared for the home and children. The consequences of a sudden preventable death become the family’s “damages” in a wrongful death claim in Colorado. When a family member’s death occurred due to another party’s negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing,…